Our Staff

This list provides a detailed overview of each staff member’s role, background, and achievements, highlighting their contributions to our PC tech and review site.

digitalupbeat staff

Our Staff Details


William Miller Holds an MBA from Harvard Business School and has over 20 years of experience in the tech industry. Before joining DigitalUpbeat, he served as the Chief Operating Officer at Tech Innovations Inc. In his role at DigitalUpbeat, John is responsible for the strategic direction and overall operations of the company. He focuses on driving growth, managing key partnerships, and ensuring that the company’s mission aligns with market trends and customer needs.


Cherie Glenn is the Editor-in-Chief at DigitalUpbeat, bringing with him an impressive 20-year career in technology journalism. With a degree in Computer Science from the University of California, Berkeley, John combines technical expertise with a passion for clear, accessible communication. Before joining DigitalUpbeat, he served as a senior editor at TechWorld, where he honed his skills in editorial management and content strategy.
Jeannine Miller

Tech Expert

Jeannine Miller is a trusted PC tech expert and reviewer at DigitalUpbeat.com. He’s known for his in-depth knowledge and insightful analysis of all things PC, offering unbiased evaluations and clear explanations in his reviews. His work empowers readers to make informed decisions about their PC purchases.

Andrew Nicolas



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